crying cat blue tears

How to help improve the welfare of cats in the UK

As International Cat Day falls on the 8th August, it seemed only fitting to choose that day to write a post about how we can help improve the welfare of cats here in the UK.

As I’m sure you are aware, thousands of cats are tragically neglected, rejected and abandoned in the UK each year.

Even more tragic, is that if they aren’t rehomed, many of these cats are euthanised.

As we know, in order for these kitties to survive and find new homes, they rely on help from shelters, charities and us.

With this atrocity in mind, let’s see what we can do to provide them with the help they so desperately need

Close up of ginger tom cat with small scar between eyes. Scarred cats are often euthanised as people don't want to adopt them

To help the welfare of cats, you could give;

  • a financial donation
    Animal charities and shelters are always in need of financial aid.
  • sponsorship
    In exchange for sponsorship of a cat, you will usually receive goodies and updates.
    For instance, the RSPCA cat pod sponsorship not only comes with a welcome pack and gift, but you will be sent photo and email updates as well.
  • food, supplies and medicine
    If you have any leftover cat food or medication that is not wanted or needed, why not consider donating it to an animal shelter or charity. In fact, some vets will take leftover medicine to keep for pet owners who are struggling financially.
    Clean towels and bedding are often sought after too.
  • your time
    Why not take up volunteering with a shelter or cat charity!
    This Cat Protection video will give you an insight into some of the volunteering roles that exist.

You could fundraise for a cat shelter or charity

  • Join an organised fundraising event or host your own
  • Sell at a car boot sale
    Why not have a clear out at home and give the proceeds to a cat charity or shelter.
    To find a car boot near you, try
  • Make cat related art to sell
    Sites such as Etsy can be a great platform for selling handmade goodies.

    I’d love to promote cat art through Purrplex, so please do get in touch if you are an artist and would like your work showcased in a blog post. Alternatively, add links to you cat-related creations in the comments below or tag @PurrplexCity in your social media posts.
Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay

Why not start a cat food bank!

This way, not only will you be helping those who are struggling financially, but you’ll be encouraging others to help as well. Spread the cat love in your local community!

You can get some ideas and inspiration from this BBC article.

young black and white cat in a cage. Cat shelters have too many cats, so many are euthanised

Did you know that there are cat lotteries you can play?

Without pushing yourself towards financial ruin, why not have a go at the cat lottery!

Not only will you be helping out the non-profit organisations, but you’ll also be in with a chance of winning cash prizes!
And, you’ll feel like a winner even if you don’t actually win! Bonus!!

1. Cat Protection’s ‘Win with Cats’
A lottery specifically for cats

2. Battersea’s ‘The Paw Draw’
Battersea’s lottery is for both cats and dogs

3. RSPCA’s weekly lottery
The RSPCA cater for all sorts of animals, as does their lottery

Moggie's with missing part of ear. All types of cats need adopting.
Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay 

Foster or adopt a cat

In 2018, the RSPCA alone took in over 5100 cats in the UK, that’s around 100 per week!!
As I’m sure you can imagine, this means there are a colossal amount of felines in desperate need of rehoming.

Cat fostering is ideal for cat lovers who would love to:

  • give a cat a temporary home, between homes
  • improve a cat’s chance of finding a new forever home
  • look after a cat who won’t cope well in a shelter environment
  • help a cat recover from mental/physical trauma or illness
  • help free up space in a shelter for other kitties in need

On the other hand, cat adoption is where you take full responsibility for the wellbeing of a cat for the duration of their life. Consider adopting a cat that may be rejected by others, such as;

  • an older cat
  • a cat with a disability
  • a cat with behavioural issues

It’s also worth knowing that fewer people are keen to take in siblings, so if you have the space and financial flexibility to take more than one pusscat, then do give it thought!

Here are some of the most reputable cat shelters and charities in the UK:

Report suspected mistreatment of a cat

By law, an animal that one is responsible for, must have its needs met.
This includes:

a) its need for a suitable environment
b) its need for a suitable diet
c) its need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
d) any need it has to be housed with, or apart from, other animals
e) its need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease

Animal Welfare Act 2006

If you suspect these needs are not being met, please report to Cats Protection or RSPCA.

Image by Jukka Niittymaa from Pixabay

Share your stories and ideas with us

By spreading the knowledge and love, we are already helping to improve the welfare of our feline friends here in the UK.

So, as there’s no time like the present, why not share your ideas and stories in the comments below.

And, whilst we’re in a sharing mood, wouldn’t it feel wonderful to splatter this post here, there and everywhere,
and tag @PurrplexCity whilst you’re at it!

Together, our impact will be even stronger!

#happycat #PurrplexCity