Over the years, I have taken an unimaginable amount of kitty snaps during cat-sitting adventures. Seriously… too many!
As it would be rather insane to share them all with you, I’ve decided to break them down into categories of my favourites.
Tongue Out & Yawn is the first in the series. Enjoy!!

Quick cat tongue fact
Surely you must have noticed that unlike the slobbery, slathery lick of a dog, pusscats licks have more of an exfoliating quality.
Well, in case you don’t happen to know already… this sandpapery feeling of the cat’s tongue is due to keratin barbs called ‘papillae‘.
Share your cat snaps with us
Bliss and I would love to see what tongue out and yawning treasures you have lurking in your phone!
Just #purrplexcity on instagram and we’ll share our favourites with the world.
Need more of a kitty pic fix? Hop over to one of our other albums:
Cat snaps #3: Fluffy felines
Cat snaps #4: Eye-catching
Bliss and Tilly x X x