Looking to brighten up the home with a beautiful bouquet for yourself or a loved one?
Have a garden that could do with some glorious blooms, but you’re concerned about the cat?
Excellent! You’ve come to the right place!
To help you, I’ve compiled this list of 14 favourite plants and flowers that are safe to have around cats.
1. Buddleja

Aka Buddleia / Buddlea / Butterfly Bush
Not only will you have a wide variety of colours to choose from, but they often have a delicious honey scent.
Plus, they are favoured by butterflies, bees and thankfully safe to have around our cats!
2. Campanula

Aka Canterbury Bell / Bellflower.
These summer perennials grow in a variety of colours and also attract our bee friends.
They look super growing tall in the garden, and can be cut to make a really special bouquet for friends, family… or even yourself.
3. Coreopsis

Aka Tickseed / Sunfire.
Take it from me, these perennials are a total delight to have growing in the garden!
I would recommend dead-heading once individual buds have finished flowering to encourage more flowers to grow.
And the bees love them to boot!
4. Freesia

Ah, the lovely Freesia!
Being easy to come by, and with a superb range of colours, these make for a great bouquet on their own.
No need to over complicate things!
5. Hibiscus

Aka Rose Mallow / Rose of Sharon
If you happen to be in a tropical environment, these are great for growing outdoors.
In a UK climate however, these may be best grown indoors in pots.
Not only are they are renowned for attracting butterflies and bees, but also—location dependent of course—hummingbirds!
6. Hollyhock

Aka Alcea
These self-sowing beauties are traditionally an old cottage garden favourite, often found in churchyards.
A hot favourite with the bumblebee, they come in many colours and are a joyful addition to gardens and bouquets alike.
7. Gerbera daisy

These fabulous daisy-like flowers come in a plethora of bright colours.
Although they don’t have a strong scent, they are so wonderfully cheerful and bound to bring a smile to anyone’s day.
8. Nasturtium

Firstly, I’m sure you’ll be over the moon to hear that the Nasturtium can be found in a good range of lovely warm colours.
Secondly, let me tell you about its versatility: It’s suitable for borders and hanging baskets, is an annual, and…
Finally… did I mention that not only is it not poisonous for cats, but it is also totally edible.
Yep… this one pictured is destined for my salad!
9. Pansies

These cheerful little fellas work perfectly in pots, baskets and small bouquets. So many varieties to choose from!
10. Petunia

Petunias are a pretty popular bedding and hanging basket plant that flower throughout the summer, until the first significant frosts.
Not only can you find a super variety of colours with either single or double blooms, but they also have different fragrances and styles. Lovely little show-offs!
11. Roses

If you’re looking for a scented flower that is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser, look no further.
Seriously, can you name a soul who doesn’t love a rose?! Answers on a postcard… or in the comments below.
The only thing one needs to watch out for are the thorns, of course.
Other than that, you’ll be happy to hear that pusscat is safe to roam around the roses.
12. Sunflowers

As the sunflower is such a popular plant, I’ve taken it upon myself to write a whole separate blog post on how these are just fine and dandy to have, if you keep (or are kept by) cats.
You’ll find this sterling blog post as well as some of my handpicked favourite sunflower facts right here.
13. Valerian

Aka Garden Heliotrope
Valerian is a beautiful lacy addition to any bouquet of flowers that is safe to have around our feline friends.
It has divine, sweet scented pink or white flowers.
Also worth noting – valerian root can have a similar effect to that of catmint/catnip.
It is also hugely popular with insects, so it must be doing something right!
14. Zinnia

Last but not least is Zinnia. You’ll find a wonderful array of colours to choose from that will brighten up any bunch of flowers.
Zinnia can be grown from seed and has the bonus of being bee, butterfly and cat friendly!
Over to you!
I’d absolutely love to know which are your favourites. And, are there any others that you’d like to see on the list?
Don’t forget to share your kitty pics and vids with us and get commenting below! x
@purrplexcity #purrplexcity